
Posts Tagged ‘Itinerary Designer’

ESB Toolkit 2.2 Itinerary Designer Installation

April 22, 2013 4 comments

Brian Loesgen has a post on his blog describing an issue he ran into performing a clean build of BizTalk Server 2013 and ESB Toolkit 2.2, where the Itinerary Designer extension is not registered in Visual Studio 2012 after the ESB Toolkit 2.2 installation step.

I experienced this also so it may be more widespread than first thought. I’d be interested to hear how many other people run into it; it might be the case that this step will need to be added to installation instructions.

Before Brian pointed me to his post I had resolved this inadvertently when I installed the latest Visual Studio 2012 update, which would have resulted in a similar command being executed with the same outcome.